
By JacZero

St James

The spire of St James, peeking over the trees.

At a public meeting on 30 October 1815 Admiral Sir James Saumarez, later Lord de Saumarez, conceived the idea of building St James.

The church was to provide a place of worship for the British garrison in Guernsey , where services could be held in English (at that time, services in the Town Church were held in French).

The building was completed in 1818, but became redundant in 1970 and then fell into partial decay.

In 1981 The Friends of St James association was formed to achieve its restoration and then to administer the building as a concert and assembly hall.

St James was officially re-opened in 1985 by HRH the Duke of Kent.

Source : http://www.stjames.gg/index.php

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