Deep in the Darkest Night
I set off early for the Alpine Garden Society show at Wymondham where as usual I was to drive the computer that records the entries and results. It was not so early that it was dark though! A great show covering many aspects of the very catholic tastes of alpine gardeners in the UK.
I especially liked this Fritllaria camchatcensis with it's almost black flowers. Among several 'common' names is Chocolate Lily .... any plant with a name like that is a friend of mine :-)
I have added a few extras, Campanula carpatha 'Alba', Trillium ludovicianum and Edrianthus glisicii, this last, a campanula relative, in the new and rare class.
At work tonight, I missed the loading of 100 trestles tables into the vans ... and will get home in darkest night. By coincidence I listened to THIS on the way to the show on a folk compilation CD.
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