
While ambling, then on the downhill bits, rambling, I came across this fine fellow. We chatted a while, he showed me an earlier work he had done of Linlithgow Palace. It was stunning. Glorious day but a cold draught off the loch hence his garb. I asked if he sold his work and he said no, he just gives them away. I nodded and paused expectantly. He was having none of it. Hey ho.

He had started this work in the winter and was now a bit scunnered that he was having to paint the leaves in. He went on to talk expertly about perspective, aspect, gradation and other stuff...I adopted an expression that might suggest I understood, but I probably looked like I was trying not to break wind. I had not a clue what he was talking about. I wished him well and off back home to pot up courgettes, peppers, al. The greenhouse is filling nicely.

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