Bringing Home the Buddha...

We got this huge Buddha statue today!  I first spotted him months ago at a garden centre nearby.  I wanted him, but refrained.  Today we were driving around the countryside, looking to see if we could find any strawberry stands, when I suggested we stop in there.  Now usually all the shops in Germany are closed on Sundays, but I had a feeling that this one would be open, and I bet Mr K (who didn't believe me) 50 euros that it would be.  He got me down to ten, but I managed to get him up again to this Buddha (who they reduced for us due to a stain that couldn't be removed - which I don't mind at all)...  Needless to say, the shop was open!  This serene Buddha now has pride of place in the living room.  What a beauty.  It's his birthday next weekend, so I'll be popping into the garden centre again to buy him some flowers. :-)

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