One Born Every Minute....

... Babies that is, and Scarlet here will be ready to catch some of them at least.

Fresh from dispatching my girl off to University, I can now sit back and look on as Scarlet and her family get ready to dispatch her to Manchester to study Midwifery.

How very exciting - who wouldn't want to be part of the birth process and be the very first person to hold a new life in their arms. I am more than jealous and discussed the possibilities of shadowing her one day. I'm sure no-one would notice an extra pair of arms.

Scarlet is fresh from her holiday and looking relaxed, radiant and positively fizzing with nerves and excitement. I am lucky to be very close to my neice and nephew and I shall miss Scarlet when she leaves on Friday. I'm off now to look at my diary and see when I can slope off to Manchester to meet up for our usual breakfasts. I hope she finds us a suitable cafe soon.

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