A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

50 not sleeping

So, I've spent most of the last two days thinking what utter nonsense it is to have a 50th birthday party on a Sunday night. However, regardless of the tiredness at the end of a weekend it turns out that if you take the extrovert to the party she will generate enough energy to power a small country whatever the day of the week. So now I find myself eating my 13yo godson's birthday cake, drinking tea, watching Have I Got News For You in the hope of coming down enough to go to sleep at a not too silly time. Sunday night it may have been but it was a very splendid party nevertheless.

The exciting novelty of the day was both the kids heading off for said godson's birthday outing to the cinema and Carl and I finding ourselves at home and child free for a whole afternoon. Ironically I spent part of the time listening to an empty-nest play by Jack and Amy Rosenthal. I know today has the novelty factor for us but early signs are that we will be fine.

I have no explanation for the gold sprayed barbies but they were there so they are here. Make of it what you will.

Sunday night madness I tell you.

Lesley x

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