Over the picket fence

So, those local election results. I should have mentioned them as I poured over them on Friday and Saturday morning. Down south, ominous portents for the upcoming General Election. Up here, the national party's strategy of replacing the Labour Party may have reached its limit. Where next? We shall see.
And before long we were off up the desirable leafy suburbs to a housewarming. And parking up, who was strolling along, all nonchalant like, but AJ himself. Sloping off for a sneaky teatime pint. So we collared him and frog-marched him in to join the throng and provide some sport. Most enjoyable - sunshine too! Here are some of the said throng, thronging.
Then off to see Lady Macbeth; I enjoyed it very much, but perhaps not as much as muchly much as I expected. I suspect that it might not be best viewed after beers and sunshine. Especially some of the slower bits. That's most of it, then.

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