Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Ready For Take Off!

I went to the gym after work for another class, "Pump & Ride"! It's 45 minutes of weights lifting and then 15 minutes of cycling. I only had weights of 2.5 kg for the majority of the time and my arms are aching like mad...also I think I've strained my back!! (A weakness!) I've booked in for next week though because it was fun too!!

The picture is Rowan, wearing PS3 headphones that he bought yesterday when he came to the shops with me and Lewis. Rowan was playing a game with friend, Zac, who lives around the corner. Jed was over at Zac's so I just told Rowan to tell Zac to tell Jed to come home for his minute later and Jed was home! Genius!! (Saves me bawling and shouting across the back field!!)

My friend, Linda, phoned at 5pm to tell me her Mum passed away ten minutes before. We knew it was coming but it still sent a chill down my spine. RIP Joan. No longer suffering. xxx

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