Geocaching Journey

Mr H and I were up early for us and off out seeing to a bit of business. We weren't far from the Wimpole Estate, a National Trust property and grounds, so we thought we'd call in there.

They had a big banner advertising 'geocaching' and urging us to give it a go. So we did, the GPS gadget was fairly easy to use and we walked miles following the waymarked route. We found three caches, full of bits and bobs, amongst other things, there were coins, little toys, a notebook and pen for signing. We passed by a derelict house and this window was in one of the outbuildings.

We deserved our cuppa, when we finally got back to base. There were some terrific views as our walk had some ups and downs in it. You see, we are so used to extreme flatness, round our way, and so we had a really good workout.

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