Machinery Monday ....

Another day spent running around .
A doctors appointment then off to Haddington to get yesterday's puncture repaired. The wheel rim has a split making it no longer airtight for a tubeless tyre so got them to stick a tube in to get us going just now.
Back home in time to let the plasterer in to repair the wall behind the living room shutters. By the time he had knocked all the old plaster off there was a lovely layer of stoor all over the new floor. Gave him a mop to try and hide the evidence before Mrs F got home from work, but he managed to break the mop head , so she found out anyway.
Junior had another exam today -chemistry . Hope he doesn't take after me, only managed an O grade in that subject !
Called in at the tractor dealers on the way back from Haddington for a quick look at one of their demo tractors, a 120 Hp T5. Nice and shiny but didn't ask the price !

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