
By Blackbored

Day 1

...of the Aspire Swim Challenge began today. 22 miles, 12 weeks. Bring it on.

Mile no 1 was notched up before breakfast this morning; I had the whole pool to myself which is one of my most favourite things in the world (easily pleased). This little fella keeps track of my lengths for me, so all I have to do is keep swimming.

I did, however, forget to remind myself exactly how many lengths equates a mile in our new pool. Seventy something was the best I could muster. I plumped for 78, and was suitably impressed at my 38 minutes, no-stops, time. Back on dry land, I calculated that it's only 73 lengths, so I'm actually faster than I think I am. Great start.

So the challenge within the challenge is to break the 30 minute mark...

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