Flower Power.

I spent the morning cleaning, while J made a corned beef pie. He was really mean, and wouldn't let me have a taster (what about cooks privileges )  but then again. I wasn't the cook!  This afternoon, Peter talk a glass eye to sleep  called. He asked  J ,to go with him tomorrow ,to  Pembrokeshire, to look at a motorcycle. He said yes!  When he left, we went to Parc Slip, as we wanted to buy some of their Welsh Chilli chutney to go with the pie. I was standing by the pond, taking a few photos, when J called me to get in the car. He saw two massive rats, run into the undergrowth, so I didn't take any photos. When we got home, I looked around the garden.    I don't know what this shrub is called, but it does attract the bees, which is good. I spent ages, trying to capture a bee on the flower, but gave up in the end as they were too fast for me Our g/daughter is in Cardiff this afternoon doing an exam in Welsh Literature. She has worked really hard these last few weeks, but was getting a bit stressed. when I spoke to her last night. Only one more exam  to go, and she is off until October, which will be her final year.

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