Keep fit with Gollum.
So... I can hardly type for laughing.
Today I say let's cycle to the Greenway and then down it,find a bench and have a small snack.Here are the bullet points for you.
1.Moonchops ate her snack BEFORE she left to cycle to me.
2.I took a can of coke and told Tit's McGee I was doing this.
3.SHE as in Tit's brought a can of SHANDY !! hahah and then complained as he wished she had brought her flask with coffee in and deemed this MY fault.
4.Mr W said it was NOT going to rain.... it poured... never listen to Mr W .. the last time I took his advice I ended up with Lucy 9 months later.. I asked for a kebab on the way home from a party.
5.Don't stop for a coffee in the rain when you can cycle and freeze in it and then when you are soaked to the skin the sun blazes and she start steaming.
6.There was an awful lot of 'grunting' noises after the hill on Alcester road.
Anyway apart from this,Pepé ended up in the vets early this morning as he has a tiny ulcer on his right eyeball.... caught in time it is much easier to treat and already he is MUCH perkier.
The reason for the title is,DDLC leaping with a hump on her back at the end of the bench looks like Gollum from Lord of the rings.DDLC naked.........
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