Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Little helper

This morning I got headbutted by half a tonne of horse. He was cross because I'd got his headcollar on and then didn't take him straight out because I'd forgotten to stuff a bag with hay to take up to the field. Then the second time I went to get him out, Eva was doing her wee dance. As I went to take her to the toilet he went absolutely nuts, lungeing at the door so I had to beg Eva to wait and she said she could. He didn't want to wait for me to open the gate so he tossed his head, hit mine and sent me flying. Half way up the track to the field we met the water tractor coming back to the yard so I had to get Eva to stand in one gateway and lime in another. She wanted to stand next to me but I was worried lime would trample her of he spooked so had to beg her to stay where she was. Felt like crying. Anyway I eventually got him in the field and poor little Eva had to do a wild wee :0(

I got half way through mucking out the dirtiest stable yet when I got a phone call to say Hannah's van had broken down. So I dropped everything to go into Quorn. Our garage turned up to tow the van so we emptied it and Mike sorted out a hire van to be collected at 11.30. I had to drive Hannah 20 mins home to collect driver's licence etc for the hire van. At 11.25 the b@stards phoned and said the van had been returned with a chipped windscreen so we would have to wait till 1pm for one to be delivered from their Derby depot. So that sent the day into chaos.

We had to dump all the crates from the back of the van that were due to be transferred into the hire van in a customer's garden so I had space to collect some dogs in the car. Hannah had to wait with one dog at a customer's house whilst I collected dogs two at a time for her to walk. I then had to leave her there to walk 4 dogs and drive back to quorn and fortunately managed to off load Eva at Bryony's so I could walk another four dogs in quorn. Also had to organise transferring other dogs to Fiona and Emma that we couldn't get to.

Then back to Hannah to drop her dogs off and back to hire place. By the time we got all the paperwork done, driven back to get an the crates and fitted then in the van it was nearly 2pm so a bit late for some of the dogs we normally walk. But ok we didn't let anyone down today.

So I had to get Eva then go back and finish mucking out. Then get Toby from school, feed them both, get to swimming and then we had haircuts. Feel totally frazzled. Big big glass of wine on the go!

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