Housewife's Choice

By christilou


nails.  Poor Little B has been suffering with a very itchy tummy these last few weeks, he had it back in January when the vet gave him a steroid and some bath stuff but it's come back with a vengeance and he's very allergic  to something.  Last night his poor tummy was so red that we decided to look on the internet to see what could be done, we read that a paste of baking powder could be applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.... no sooner had we applied this stuff than he took a lick to get it off..... immediately he began gulping and rushed outside to consume handfuls of grass and was duly sick.  He was very unsettled after this and his poor tummy was just as scarlett..... after phoning the out of hours vet we decided to just try to get him to sleep and keep an eye on him but luckily he slept without too much bother.  I took him to the vet this afternoon and she's prescribed another tablet to be taken twice a day and s stronger solution for bathing him in......  on the plus side, his box of Lily's Kitchen food arrived, always an exciting time for him as he likes to get it unpacked and in his food cupboard ;)  I asked how much the vet charges for nail cutting..... £21 :0 !!!  Think we'll wait until we have him groomed.

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