It's been a while since the last shed photo, so here's the only tidy corner of it... The last six months have mostly consisted of just throwing things in it, rather than working in it so it is much in need of some tlc. Which it will assuredly receive, once I've attended to the 45 more urgent jobs on the garden job list...
One of them was knocked off the list today, when it turned out that mortaring in a handful of small slabs took no time at all. Hopefully the showers today won't stop it setting (I have covered them). I am concerned that it was so easy that I must surely have done something wrong...
Also managed to get the grass cut before the forecast rain - which is much needed as everything is starting to look a bit floppy, and I'm so over watering the garden.
Mr B has - just in time to stop my brain atrophying - provided an interesting legal thing to muck about with. That scary blend of 'but I've never done this before' and 'Aha, I've never done this before!' And, that aside, I successfully avoided admin today. (Last night's Word issues were, of course, not sorted out by the long download, but another late night 'chat' session seems to have fixed things. Maybe.)
Also baked 'blondies' for the first time today. Seemed to go alright. I've been told I can bake them again. So that's nice.
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