Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

929. Perth Bridge

What a glorious day it's been out early to the gym then caught this photo of the bridge...back home and straight into clearing out cupboards at home!

Well two and a half hours later both wardrobes have been emptied of everything except clothes and all of the crap stuff lying at the bottom has either been kept and put away, thrown away or if useable put into a charity bag...
We now have space....and everything is in a proper place and not split up between all of the available space between rooms....
One of the drawbacks of living in a flat is that space is a premium and although we have large rooms and plenty of space for the usual stuff...we do miss having a loft for all of the other stuff we keep because it might come in useful!
We forgot the drawers under the bed so they will be done tomorrow morning!

Several charity bags have been dropped off at the Red Cross in the town and we are now relaxing with a cuppa.....

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