Hot dog!

Went to Glasgow to visit my parent's grave as its is my mother's third anniversary today. How time flies. ! Took my cousins and youngest and we laid some nice flowers and said a word or two to them both.
Next I returned my shiny new phone as it as acting up and was ginven a new one. It orked perfect in Glasgow yet as soon as I came over the Rest into ARgyll it doesnt want to go on FaceBook,. Twitter, it just wants to do calls and the odd text!!! no use, there must be something wrong with the signal or the setting for up here! Very peed off iwth it escecially as my old BlackBerry works fine on wireless in the house yet this stupid thing does bugger all!
Had then to hare up from Glasgow to Oban to help with the choir and only just home just now. Need a long sloww cool dram
Happy blipping all

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