Morning Pile Up

Glorious day, no?  It started this way, but who can complain when the sun is out?

Went to work, worked, went back home, with a lot of time left over for the drive to Breda afterwards.  Instead of doing any painting, though, I brought up all the boxes that were downstairs.  I thought, might as well, and now is as good a time as any.  Unsteady knees afterwards, and quite dizzy and nauseous, and my arms were tired afterwards, but no pain, which is the most important thing for me.  I am not a fan of the nausea, though, as I usually associate the sensation with fear.  I've always had it, and there was even a time when I was still young when I couldn't ride the lift either up or down without feeling sick.  But! ... the job is done.  I can go back to the painting bit again tomorrow.  To motivate myself a bit, I dropped by IKEA and bought a really large antique-like wall clock for our bedroom.  It is really large so that we don't need our glasses to tell the time ... hahaha!  Too bad it doesn't have an alarm.  I wonder how THAT would have sounded; maybe like the carillon in some Gothic cathedral ... but then we would have needed some live gargoyles to shake us awake.

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