The morning went well today. She woke up in a bright mood and did a good exam practise. We were ready early for school and enjoyed a leisurely walk together. As we got near school, Bobbins and her mum were arriving so the girls dawdled and played together, laughing the entire time. The TA on the door declared them both nutters as they fell around giggling through the gates.

I'm glad we had a good morning. Because we certainly didn't have a good afternoon. She tantrumed a lot of the way home because I hadn't brought a snack. She was grumpy at home even after I had made tea. I asked her to go to her room to calm down and she lost the plot. Epic meltdown followed for quite a while. She ended up in her jammies, reading in bed by 515. We got there in the end when eventually she'd let me talk to and cuddle her. We coloured on her bedroom floor for a while and it ended up a calm bedtime for a tired looking little lady!

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