The Sun and The Rain

My Dear Fellow,
I didn’t have any chores to run today, so instead I just walked around at lunchtime. The little country walk by the office isn’t as nice as it used to be, due to some new housing development that has squished half of the trees. On the plus side, the birds are loving it. There must be tons of insects in all that debris so the little guys can be seen every lunchtime hopping around and having a birdy-buffet.
It was so nice I kind of wished I’d brought a sandwich and some fizzy pop so I could just plonk myself down with a picnic basket. Then again, it’s a bit of a thoroughfare for dog-walkers and other frustrated office workers. It’s not like I don’t know that I’m a weirdo. It’s more that I wish not to advertise this fact to strangers.
While out, it occurred to me that I am not a path-walker. There is a path, but I noted that I prefer to walk on the stones and grass. There’s just something a bit more satisfying about hearing the crunch of stones or the warmth of the ground coming back up at you. So long as you don’t hear a SQUISH, it is all good.
On the blip front, I just effing realised I’ve had the Lumix set on “Twinkly Star” setting! THIS is why all my pictures recently looked like they were taken in the “Top of the Pops” studio and I’ve had to fall back on iPhone shots! And why does my camera even HAVE a “Twinkly Star” setting?? For goodness sake man, if I want things to twinkle I will take VERY HARD DRUGS.
I’m blaming the camera. In fact it’s me. Don’t you hate it when you have an old-person technology moment?! Now perhaps you can help me program my 1990's VCR while I blow up the microwave with a foil-wrapped potato.

So today's picture is another iPhone effort. It attempts to capture the sudden PISH of rain that hit us on the bus on the way home, rattling the roof and making me hope my stop didn't come up TOO soon. However, there was something nice about this rain. It made all the damp earth smells come to life. I love that.
Tonight we were supposed to be going out tonight to see some globetrotting pals. But Er Indoors cancelled due to lack of @rsedness. She didn’t SAY that to them. “By the way, we can’t be effed seeing you,” is not a great way to retain friends. But I’m kind of glad she cancelled. It has been a low-energy sort of day and I’m more than happy to go with the flow. Maybe tomorrow I shall accomplish Great Things. But tonight it’s all about the poppadom and the pakora.

I just re-read all that. Bloody hell, I don't half waffle.

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