Cutting The Applecake

My Dear Fellow,

Sunday is a traditionally lazy day. And who am I to argue with tradition?

I've been watching a lot of B&W films. A really bad Leslie Phillips comedy in which he doesn't say "ding-dong" ONCE and a not-bad tale of the SUPERNATURAL in "The Night My Number Came Up".

Right now I am watching "The Fallen Sparrow" which I seem to remember you recommended to me having seen it in a hotel room about this time last year. See, I get there eventually.

I note it is one of those B&W films with "hard-boiled" dialogue that the actors rattle out as fast as they possibly can. The hard-bitten detective refers to other cops as "sweetheart". As in:

DETECTIVE: I got myself a gun and I'm gonna get some answers, see?
COP: What do you need a gun for?
DETECTIVE: To shoot people, sweetheart.

The other thing the hard-boiled detective said after a bit of chat was, "Let's stop cutting the applecake". By which he meant, enough chat - down to business. I love that. I may have to use it at work.

MAN: Hiya, how was your weekend?
ME: Let's stop cutting the applecake. Ya got those technical solution designs ready for me, sweetheart?

Perhaps not. 


p.s. In other news, Er Indoors's hand is feeling much better. She showed me the GAPING WOUND and it looks like her hand has developed a mouth. This is how Cronenberg films start.

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