A good clue - a 'Hairy Coo'!

Yes, we are in Bonnie Scotland! Staying at the Inversnaid Hotel on the bank of Loch Lomond - the east bank that is - the main road, the A82, goes up the west side - so our coach is parked over there and we have to go to and fro by ferry from the hotel! There is a road locally called the 'Inversnaid Highway' to the hotel but it is about 15 miles of single track, very winding road clinging to the hillsides at times - we arrived that way yesterday and will go home on Sunday too because of the luggage  - but apart from that each day starts and ends with a boat ride. Today we also had a short cruise along Loch Katrine on the only remaining steam boat, the Sir Walter Scott. A beautiful blue sky day it was too. These Hairy Coos were in the grounds of the hotel we stopped at for lunch before going on to Killin to view the Dochart Falls - which were very insignificant due to the lack of rain for the past 3 weeks!

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