Celebration 3 & 4

Going goodness knows where to meet goodness know who and then onto somewhere else!!! that was all the info I was allowed !!!
We (me, O and M) ended up at London Zoo with J and K. The Rev joined us after Sunday service.
I got exactly what I asked for as my birthday treat....a day with all 6 of us....perfect. We were lucky that the sun shone for most of the day....ideal for the picnic The Rev brought up for us....with a bottle of bubbly.

#love these 4 very special people

#favourite animal???? Had to be the penguins. They have a fabulous pool and were the witnesses to J and K's engagement !!!

When I got home I got my second birthday request...for The Rev to convert our old movies to DVD...enjoyed laughing at Christmas forfeits from 1990, funny fashions, seeing my young nieces but the most special part was seeing my Dad. It was his last Christmas but we did make the most of it. Still miss him

It's not even my birthday until tomorrow!!!

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