And from our Southern Reporter....

And from the iPhone of The Bossess comes this rendition of “The Tree” made especially tricky as just a stick chuck away was tonights extra.

Wanaka and The tree have become the “in’ place to get your wedding photo’s snapped and in a large number of occasions the actual hook up bit occurs elsewhere at another time. The Boss fondly remembers when he and the Bossess got hitched there was indeed a hitch as the photographer was badly drunk and an alcoholic and got everything out of focus. This little bit of added value was not known at the time so when they returned from their honey thingie the suit got re-rented and he took another set himself. Bark then it was of course stunning black and white and that funny film stuff.  

I, Tussock have been missing him so we are going to Skype so I can bark at him a bit later.


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