There and back again

By Mikes

Yellowmeade Farm

Up a bit earlier this morning to drive across to the western side of the moor to catch the morning light and walk out along the Yellowmeade Track to Foggintor Quarry where there is a large amount of industrial archeology .

In the foreground you can see Yellowmeade Farm which has been here for centuries, in fact it has been in the hands of the same family of tennent farmers for seven generations.

We have walked along this track for years and it has always looked run down. It has recently been sold and today we happened to meet the new owner who said that the inside was like the outside looked.

Beyond the house you will see the group of rocks on the hillside called Great Mis Tor. If you look carefully at the right hand stack you will see that there is a red flag flying. This Tor is one on the markers to the edge of Merrival military range and the flag indicates that live firing is taking place today so KEEP OUT.

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