The Picture Taker


Service Above Self

That's the Rotary International motto.  Today was an amazing day when we had the pleasure of awarding 11 scholarships of $1000 each to high school students for college next year.  All have been through many hardships including homelessness and being the family breadwinner.  They will receive another $1000 for the following year if they are in good standing. 

The pic is of the club president (left) and our dear fellow Rotarian who is 94 years old and a WWII veteran.  He has had some surgery in the past month and hasn't looked all that good.  He looked good today, so I wanted to get a pic of him.  He laughed about the beard.  I laughed that he had his hand on his hip like most of the young girls in pictures these days. The president laughed that he had his other hand on his behind.

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