Day 8: North Harris to South Lewis

One word describes today EPIC! We were set to have gale force winds and it was freshening as we left the Harris Hotel and began the approach to the ascent of Clisham, the highest mountain on Harris. Thankfully, at this stage the rain held off.

The cycling guide book advised that the first 500m of the ascent was the steepest and to dig in, which we did, but two thirds of the way up I was taken out by a sudden gust from the right and had to get off and push till the incline eased a little. From there the ride was easier but the wind was also strengthening.

We reached the crest of the hill thinking, well that was easier than expected, to find that the wind was funnelled through the pass and we could not stand, let alone cycle, when the gusts came. The water on the lochan was being whipped up in to the air. The rain also arrived to compound things further. What followed was some time spent hunkering down on the ground with the bikes flat then getting up again in the lulls and walking them along the side of the road. I was blown in to my bike at one point and gashed my leg!

By the time we were able to cycle again, it was wild with the rain lashing down. The cloud came down so even if we could look up there were no views to see! We descended gingerly as the gusts came from all directions as we zig zagged down the mountain. Thankfully, once we were on the flat the wind was behind us which made the cycling much easier.

Now we are warm and comfortable in Loch Erisort Inn, being well looked after by host Bernie. We've decided that is enough adventure for one day!

My blip is the water being blown off the lochan, taken whilst I was flat on the ground!

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