A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Satisfying mess

Despite the annoying levels of stickiness sushi rice possesses this was an immensely satisfying exercise. As was planting a new tree/bush/plant* thing in the garden. Though it mainly just made me realise I should put aside some time to tidying the neglected garden.

Anna at home still, mainly I think through exhaustion as she spent most of the night coughing. Lots of rest today and she even managed to help me sort some stuff for her school leavers' book and I think she'll be back at school tomorrow.

J had a good school session and some next steps have been taken towards the next steps to increasing time in school.

And aside from making squares of rice and planting plants I have done another run. Which was also kind of messy but satisfying.

Oh and the kids made me laugh a lot.

Lesley x

*Gardening is not my area of expertise

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