
By bananablip

Part time blipper

We had some visitors with us from National YFC today to do some filming for the project. This is the time of year that we try to put together a short film to communicate our work to our supporters but this year it's been nice to have the professionals come and do it for us. It was super fun to be on the other side of things and to see their ideas and plans for the film.

My blipping has taken a bit of a dip of late but I have to keep an occasional blip on here for my friends who blip stalk (you know who you are). I don't know if I'm losing enthusiasm for it or I just need to have a break until the mojo is back.

I guess it doesn't help that work is a bit crazy at the mo. This week I keep thinking that it will soon be the weekend and then I remember that I'm doing a wedding on Saturday and then I keep thinking that it will soon be half term and then I remember that it's Soul Purpose over bank holiday. Moan moan moan. Lots on at the moment trying to work out what Andy's contract will look like in September when he's no longer an s-yfc employee and then the exciting and nerve wracking process of finding a new worker.

I think I'm mostly just a bit bummed that work is getting in the way of seeing friends and running.

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