
By TheBigCheese1



It's been a long day, but not too bad. A meeting I was not looking forward to was cancelled, so that was quite dinky.

The Dopski has officially shot her bolt I think. She is shattered from the weekend, but has struggled to go to sleep tonight - gggrrrr - she won't want to get up tomorrow :/

After getting myself psyched up to try to get the antibiotics down Bert again tonight, the naughty lad has not come back home - double gggrrrr!!!

After he worked out how to spit the pills back out after using the scissor torture implements, in desperation I tried wrapping them in smoked ham. Result! He gobbled them down on two different sittings - woo hoo, cracked it!

Then his brain kicked in and he worked out that if he shook the ham, the pills dropped out and he just got to eat ham - gggrrrr, out came the scissor implements again.

Thus, he's not come home! That cat is starting to get wise - only taken it since Friday having one and a half pills twice a day lols!

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