Off to 'Dr Sony' - it has concussion

Had a mishap with my camera on Sunday. It was in the top of my bag on the seat beside me in the coach. The coach braked hard, the bag fell over and the camera dropped to the floor. It seemed OK, it switched on, the lens came out, but when I looked at the screen it was weird - the image was upside down!  Perfectly normal - zoomed, focused, shutter clicked, sharp image, but the wrong way up - turning camera of course made no difference, the image turned as well. Oh, and the shutter has a 3 second delay! I contacted Sony and they suggested performing 'initialisation' from the settings menu - that was fun, negotiating the menu screen when the writing was upside down and buttons had to be pressed the opposite way. Unfortunately it didn't work so the camera is off to Sony to see if they can do anything. 
The good thing is that it happened as I was on the way home from the holiday not on the way there - I did have another camera with me (I always take two on holiday), but this is the one I use the most. 

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