Still waiting

for the swan eggs to hatch. Can now be any day.
Was thinking about this watercolour with ink I made before I did not know there would be 5 baby swans last year. How many it will be this year, I don't know. Cannot even see how many eggs there are.

I have had so good news. I was looking for a second hand camera with a lot of zoom. Wanted to have it before the baby swans are born, but a man here where I live wanted to much money for his, he was really arrogant towards me. I cannot affort so much money, so I could not buy it. I told a friend (I know from another site) living in England. He already knew I was looking for one. He now sends his Canon Powershot SX510HS he does not use anymore to me and he does not want any money for it. I am feeling so blessed and grateful. He is such a lovely friend, I have never seen him, only know him from internet. And hope I can make some great photo's with it. At least I can zoom in with 30 zoom. Mine only has 4 and is getting old. There are still good people here in the world.

Thank you all for the lovely comments, stars and hearts.

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