POG's Journal


We all have to remember there is only NOW!!!

Was driving to work this morning and had to be diverted due to the Hindhead tunnel being closed due to a coach crash that killed 3 and injured many more... I don't have a satnav so just followed the other cars and hoped they were going where i wanted to go... (Picture some of use weaving through the country lanes). I was very lucky that they were going my way and i did not follow someone into their drive - hehe

Went about my normal day at work and then set off home at teatime... the southbound tunnel was open however you could still see the damaged coach and all the rescue vehicles on the closed carriageway. It really made me think how fragile life is and we never know when our time is up and we should make the most of NOW as that is all there is, the PAST is gone can cannot be changed and the FUTURE is just a promise and not guaranteed...

Anyway i got home safely and got changed and went of weight training at my mates... when i got back to the car i noticed i had a missed call from another friend, i returned the call and was given the sad news that one of my closest friends Mitch had died last night... What a CRAP day indeed...

Remember there is only NOW!!! make the most of it... xx

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