An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Johnny & Tony xxx


I've been meaning to blip this brush for ages but it disappeared and I thought it had been taken back to the builders yard.  When I went to speak to Johnny this afternoon, there it was, back in the hall, and I got my chance to blip it.

The first time I saw it I could see there was writing on the brush head but I didn't have my specs on so couldn't read it.  It was a couple of days later that I finally made out what it said and it made me laugh so much.   I suppose you had to be there (and know the individuals named) to find it as funny as I do, but it serves as a reminder of the good humour these guys have brought to our building work and is one of the reasons I'll miss them.

My friend Janice picked me up just after 12 and we headed to Gloagburn to meet up with another friend, Fiona.  We had a lovely lunch and a well overdue catch up.  Hoping that Alan and Janice's daughter Rachel will be able to attend a Boccia class together on a Tuesday evening.  

The last time Janice picked me up I raved afterwards to David about how impressive her car was.  Comfortable with a very smart interior and lovely leather seats.  Unfortunately I failed to notice what make of car it was.  I guessed a Mercedes.  When she came to pick me  up yesterday David was keen to see what she was driving.  She pulled into the driveway and he just looked at me and shook his head in despair.  She was driving the estate version of his car!  The one I've been getting driven about in for three years! Hahahahahahaha!  Proof, as if it were needed, that I am totally clueless when it comes to cars.

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