Octopi !
Mr W was off up to London today for the last time. Jury is out!
I was then cancelled for work so spent the day playing with crochet needles. My 'safety eyes' arrived in the post so I finished my scarf which was my first ever crochet project then gave my first 2 Octopi eyes and stuffed them up the bum!!
These little creatures won't make the grade for the Preemie Babies but I shall keep trying and actually really enjoy making them. Maybe one day I shall make a perfect one and and have it passed and send to SCBU to a teeny weeny baby that needs one.
Talking of which, I shall be seeing Octopus Baby tomorrow!!
Heart stone update - its been made - he's got it in his van, just waiting to slip it into place when they are all done!!! He offered to show it to me today but I said I want a surprise!!!
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