Bokeh Beauty

Driving to work this morning, I saw that there was dew on the grass so when I saw a dandelion looking lovely, I pulled over and quickly took a shot...blip sorted!  For those of you who know me, I love bokeh!!  This turned out better than expected so I am delighted.

The rest of my day was hot which was lovely. I even managed to get out for a walk on my lunch.  Yay!!  Took my student for an hour long walk in the afternoon which did us both a world of good.  In the meantime, my son had the movers here packing up his belongings.  A huge milestone...but we will both be fine as he is where he wants to be and I am proud of his accomplishments.  Plus...I already have a trip planned in July to visit him  : ))

Hump Day over...hope it was a good one for everyone!

D x

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