Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

New "toy"

... I got yesterday - was busy cleaning the house and watching my dog and doing some accounting... so when the doorbell rang and my new toy arrived I was very happy.... Couldn't test it like I wanted as was much to tired (from work, housework, accounting for sure and it was quite warm yesterday, dogs walk) so just did some photos in the garden... was not happy with that.. but just came home and off I was - out in the nature - to get my my glass sphere tested... it is quite funny to see the different views and oh boy - its dangers... I placed it on a little piece of wood and a few seconds later I saw smoke coming up.... yesterday I held it in my hand and into the sun - for only 3 seconds - ouch .... it burns... LOL but funny anyway... yesterdays photo isn't uploaded so will do that later... another one in extras....

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