Mist the Sunset
The rain almost blighted a trip out tonight. I value the few minutes between getting home and daylight closing. A time to revive my mind in open space and fresh air.
There'll be nothing to stop me doing this after the sunsets - I really enjoy night walking - but night blipping is not so easy!
I'm going to have to start thinking about a new direction for my photo's. My 9am to 5.30pm job doesn't lend itself to landscapes when it won't be long before it's dark when I get home... I'm going to have to start using my imagination a bit and making the most of weekends!
Tonight the rain stopped and there was enough time to get out and enjoy.
My cows were out but they weren't playing ball. They refused to look at me, or pose, or do anything interesting. They just ate grass and occasionally let a good methane one go.
Across the valley there was a bit of rising mist as the sun set behind clouds, creating some lovely colours and a bit of a cornflake box burst so I took that.
Slightly off topic but we're planning a trip to Cuba in April... I've seen some photography from there it just made me determined to visit. Especially after I mentioned that a colleague was travelling and that it was something I really wanted to do. Many of you replied that Travelling is a *must do*. I want to travel to places I haven't been before and experience *really* new things. Have any of you been to Cuba? Any recommendations, warnings, ideas?
Thank you for comments, stars, hearts and subs recently, and for looking in. I genuinely appreciate it - I hope I can get round soon to say thanks by actually visiting your journals back and contributing with comments of my own!
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