Red Tailed Bumblebee

A bitty day today - physio, chores and visiting a friend recovering from spinal surgery -, but all the time the weather was getting brighter and nicer.

Home and into the garden - I marked out where the path that will hide the land drain is to go for the builder and then the sometimes enjoyable sometimes a drag job of cutting the grass.
All the potatoes are now up and the greenhouse is bursting at the seams - feels odd to need to water things in Cumbria but I think this weekend the brassicas and legumes can go out.

Best part of the day was Community First Responders training last night. I'm part of a very small team and we don't do many of our own events - fortunately I'm welcome to head North and train regionally - and last night's Calthwaite session was informative, fun and inspiring. Every days a school day and time spent with good people is always time spent wisely.

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