twinned with trumpton


An early start; I was at hers for just after 8 with a clean(ish) car and a full tank of petrol; to Kilmarnock with her, her daughter and her daughter's friend who'd had a sleep over. With no great glee we ploughed along the M8 and through E Kilbride - I must go back and take photos there- a couple of wrong turns and eventually - Grange Academy for her gymnastic competition.

I left them to it and roam the deserted centre of Kilmarnock in the increasingly warm day. Lots of pound shops, B &M - that kind of thing. Clearly not an affluent neighbourhood. But the houses looked nice enough for the most part. 

We hung around until 2 then came back east to slightly less warm weather; shopping on the way before dropping them, then her friend home before I got to stretch the legs on the bike for an hour and collapse in front of some mindless TV. Possibly. 

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