The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

One Street: they're shooting David Mitchell... the cemetery! Apart from the terrible fire at no. 49, in 2005, this is possibly the most exciting event ever to take place in our street. Though of course, if we were council tenants, we would have been pretty excited by the installation of Upstairs Bathrooms in 2007, and there was also the Great Fight of 2007-2011, when the council tried to knock down four council houses (shock horror!) and build a private estate within the council estate. Fortunately Councillor Steve Hurrell (aka CleanSteve) disabused the District Council of this notion.

Today's story is that there's a film crew parked in our street, and they are shooting a Mitchell and Webb comedy in the cemetery on the other side of the allotments. I saw the crew carrying up some fake crosses this morning, and wondered if there weren't enough Victorian headstones and crosses in the cemetery already!

David Mitchell is one of my TV favourites: not sexy, but funny AND brainy. It tickles me that they're in Stroud. Same as yesterday, except that they were in the High Street. The series is called Back, apparently. I am too cool to go looking for DM among the graves. One has one's dignity...

Later on, when the novelty had worn off, because our street gets overparked at the best of times, I suspected the crew of throwing chip wrappers onto the street. Steve went to speak to them. They denied responsibility, but picked the papers up anyway!

I am delighted that my blip of a couple of weeks ago, of this same street, was mentioned in the blipfoto blog non connection with the From My Window challenge. Something to be said for net curtains, after all!

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