Finishing touches + RISK Legacy VIII

Removed all the rubble from the back garden today, leveled it all to -40, dug 2m of trenches, put about 20m of tubes in the ground and put about 40m of thick electricity cable in the trees (to get electricity from the school, at the other side of the street, to the, future, crane, and keep it well away from everybody).

As I posted a picture of a wedding yesterday, I felt a report on our 8th RISK Legacy game was out of place, so you get it now, and it will be very short. Kobe took the recently acquired Aliens and had to go against the other 4 players who banded together to defend their earth. When I put a biohazard scar on Alien Island (you lose one troop at the end of your turn) he retaliated by giving my faction a yellow scar (I can have no more than 2 resource cards and they have to be visible to everyone), which put me at a mayor disadvantage, unaniem to hoard resources and win the game. We all attacked Kobe, but Leander was the only one who could keep his forces concentrated enough to conquer 3 HQ, winning the game for the 4th time.

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