Green veined white

Started off raining today but soon cleared. I went down to the front to watch a big black cloud and some lovely light and while I was looking out to sea I missed our tour de Mid Argyll from the front. They shouted my name but I didn't see them because my back was to the road and all I got was their backs as they disappeared through the village, see extras.

Went for a walk while KK was playing football with his mates and found lots of lovely butterflies, I cannot resist photographing butterflies. I looked down on Cairnbaan village and I have also put a shot of that in the extras.

Called into the shop on my way to pick up KK and there just leaving was my old friend Sean who I have not seen for 20 years. He lives in Wishaw so I was surprised to see him in my local shop. A quick catch up and we shall meet again next time he is passing now he knows where I live.

Called in at Birthday girls house from last nights party and we all helped her finish the birthday cake. Now I may have a gin to finish today.

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