
By AliV


I had an pretty nice Saturday, the first in about 4 weeks it feels. So well needed. A jaunt to Silverburn to buy new socks (yes my life is that exciting!), then a trip to Be and Q to buy some bedding plants. I then planted some (see Blip!). Then went to the park to jump in muddy puddles. We went equipped with wellies, little one had her rain suit on, and off we went. Her wee pal was less prepared but it didn't dampen her enthusiasm so she went home with very, very muddy leggings and shoes! We were thankful the rain stopped as soon as we got there, so perfect puddle jumping conditions. 

We then got delayed on our way home by an Orange march...try explaining that to a 2 year old. We went with "a marching band with cool drums". A lesson for another day I feel. 

After putting her to bed, I finished my gardening, then poured a large glass of red. Now sitting enjoying absolute silence as the other half is out. May put the radio on soon.

Happy Saturday!

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