
By Ambla

Killing time sneaking up on fellow passengers

After an uneventful flight to Paris, we had 5 hours to kill at Charles de Gaulle Airport, and couldn't find the executive lounge or anyone to ask about getting access to it (though a fellow passenger's suggestion to beg someone to let us in sounded worth a try), so we hung out in this attractive public lounge in 2e, and even slept for half an hour. I sneaked up on and poked a few fellow passengers but then we had to go for tea / dinner. Only instead of steak at a restaurant, I got cold toast in the buggy whilst we went up and down in lifts following contradictory signs, took a wee train and even a bus to arrive in 2g with just enough time for a salad (chicken for X, veg for Mummy - ha ha), more toast, and I didn't even have time to finish one measly pot of blueberries before we were on the dinky plane to Ljubljana. Mummy fed me lots; in fact, today's been an eating frenzy!

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