The second half of life..

By twigs

Beach walker

Had another appointment in town after work for my back. I'm at the stage of feeling like things are progressing so very slowly that I can barely justify the time and emotional energy (and money!) I'm putting in.

I'm wondering whether I should quit the treatments for a while and see what happens.

Then I stop and remember that I'm an impatient sort of person who expects things done quickly and that, really, it's my impatience that's making me feel this way, not my back.

It didn't help when John said it could be another 12-18 months until things are fully re-settled if they do ever fully resettle.

That does not make me happy :(

One thing that does ease the pain and discomfort though is activity so, like this gentleman, I'm going to start walking a bit more. Should be a bit easier now that winter's through. (Not that it felt like it this morning - a whole new fresh dumping of snow in the mountains, roads closed in the central North Island and a frost in the back garden!)

But on a positive note, Helen came round and did another couple of hours of gardening for me which was a wonderful, pleasant surprise when I got home :) Nice.

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