rainbow bright

This girl (who is modelling new holiday swimwear in this pic) cracks me up. She announced earlier that she'd like to be on television. I suggested it wouldn't be much fun as the cameras would get in the way of life (kind of an ironic statement as she must feel like a character in 1984 due to the time spent with my camera trained upon her). "I don't think so Mummy, Topsy and Tim are on the telly and they don't even know."

A lovely but somewhat busy day - catering for the church fun day in the morning, then on to dance class, a quick drop in to the soggy fun day and then on to Carrot's for the most delightful reunion of college friends and offspring and a cuddle with baby Emma. Back home for street pastoring and now I'm blipping at 2:39am (less about my commitment to blip than being wired from chatting to drunk nutters all night)!

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