Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

Bavarian men costume

Today I did the holy confirmation shooting with 45 girls and boys - I tell you....
First I placed my rucksack in the church, went out with my two cams and did the portrait shootings - came back to church and my rucksack with all my stuff was gone ... my heart ... all my lenses, flashes.... not there anymore - I had no time to moan so did shoot like hell ( two cams I had with me ) then in the middle of the procedure a confirmation boy fell from the chair ...unconscious - a mom with her crying baby didn't left the church .... and then another woman did talk to the parents and tried to get them their children photographed and wanted them to pre pay - 25 euros for 10 images.... this was not a hired photographer - i went over to her to tell her that she had to leave as I am the official photographer and am hired and paid from church. She started shouting that she is doing that for 20 years and I told her that she is doing her job illegal" for 30 years now - that she is cheating people .. she left with naming me names you won't hear - lol - people...I

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