
By Janewatt

Best of British . . .

Very basic typical greasy spoon café at seaside. Late when started trying to get something to eat so ended up here. Warm sunshine so sat outside by busy road wth outside toilet next to.only table. Huge Heinz beans can centrepiece with water and floating fag ends and discarded teabags.
Found I hadn't got quite enough money for my fry-up so waitress going to say no cup of tea with it. She was having bad day as had to keep rushing out onto roadside to have shouting swearing row on phone.
Kind Italian owner let me off 35 pence.
All​ in all a really good afternoon at typical english seaside after a not so good morning at "retail centre" where huge stores were trying to sell out of date expensive items. Sorry - only one - Tescos.

Strange country.

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